BIZCHINA / Intellectual property

Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

Updated: 2006-04-17 14:40

Article 106 Where the applicant has made indications concerning deposited biological materials in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the requirements provided for in Rule 25, subparagraph (3) of these Implementing Regulations shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. In the statement concerning entry into the Chinese national phase, the applicant shall indicate the documents recording the particulars of the deposit of the biological materials, and the exact location of the record in the documents.
Where particulars concerning the deposit of the biological materials are contained in the description of the international application as initially filed, but there is no such indication in the statement concerning the entry into the Chinese national phase, the applicant shall make correction within four months from the date of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase. If the correction is not made at the expiration of the time limit, the biological materials shall be deemed not to have been deposited.
Where the applicant submits the certificates of the deposit and the viability of the biological materials to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council within four months from the date of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase, the deposit of biological materials shall be deemed to have been made within the time limit as provided for in Rule 25, subparagraph (1) of these Implementing Regulations.

Article 107 Where the applicant claims one or multiple priorities in the international phase and such claims remain valid at the time when the application enters the Chinese national phase, the applicant shall be deemed to have submitted the written declaration in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Patent Law.
Where there are clerical mistakes or the application number of the earlier application is missing in the written declaration claiming the priority made in the international phase, the applicant may request to make corrections or to fill in the missing application number of the earlier application at the time of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase. Where a request for making corrections is made, the applicant shall pay the fee for correcting the claim for priority.
Where the applicant has submitted a copy of the earlier application in the international phase in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, he or it shall be exempted form submitting a copy of the earlier application to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council at the time of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase. Where the applicant has not submitted a copy of the earlier application in the international phase, and if the Patent Administration Department under the State Council deems necessary, it may notify the applicant to submit a copy of the earlier application within the specified time limit. If no copy is submitted at the expiration of the time limit, his or its claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made.
Where the claim for priority is deemed not to have been made in the international phase and the information is already published by the International Bureau, the applicant may, if he has justified reasons, request the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to restore his or its claim for priority at the time of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase.

Article 108 Where, before the expiration of 20 months from "the priority date", the applicant files a request with the Patent Administration Department under the State Council for early processing and examination of his or its international application, he or it shall, in addition to going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase, submit a request in accordance with the provisions in Article 23, paragraph two of the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Where the international application has not been transmitted by the International Bureau to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, the applicant shall submit a confirmed copy of the international application.

Article 109 With regard to an international application for a patent for utility model, the applicant may file a request with the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to amend the description, the drawings and the claims within one month from the date of going through the formalities for entering the Chinese national phase.
With regard to an international application for a patent for invention, the provisions of Rule 51, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations shall apply.

Article 110 Where the applicant finds that there are mistakes in the Chinese translation of the description, the claims or the text matter of the drawings as filed, he or it may correct the translation in accordance with the international application as filed within the following time limits:
(1) before the completion of technical preparations for national publication by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council;
(2) within three months from the date of receipt of the notification sent by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, stating that the application for a patent for invention has entered into the substantive examination phase.
Where the applicant intends to correct the mistakes in the translation, he or it shall file a written request, furnish a replace sheet of the translation and pay the prescribed fee for the correction of the translation.
Where the applicant makes correction of the translation in accordance with the notification of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, he or it shall, within the specified time limit, go through the formalities prescribed in paragraph two of this Rule. If the prescribed formalities are not gone through at the expiration of the time limit, the international application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

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