Diver pieces back together smashed marine ecosystem
Improved ecology gives Hainan diving paradise distinct charm

In that year, he discovered that many broken corals transplanted by the researcher onto a steel frame underwater a year earlier, which works as a nursery, had not only survived but thrived, eventually spreading out.
With the help of the local government, Wang got in touch with the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has a team long dedicated to coral research. In 2016, after more experimental planting, the Wuzhihzou resort decided to carry out large-scale planting.
Since then, in addition to maintaining their ongoing efforts in collecting marine debris and monitoring and patrolling the marine ranch, Wang's team has dedicated as many as three months each year to cultivating coral seedlings and conducting coral planting.
"It has become a regular work activity for the resort," he said, adding, in total, the resort has invested over 10 million yuan ($1.37 million) into coral restoration.
According to the resort, as of April, with the backing of the local authorities in Hainan and Sanya, as well as support from Hainan University and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the investment in the construction of the marine ranch, which covers the coral restoration program, has totaled 90 million yuan.
A total of 80,000 cubic meters of artificial fish reefs have been built, and over 51,000 coral seedlings have been transplanted, covering an area of 53,000 square meters.
Wang said 3,000 to 4,000 sq m of the seedlings were planted just a few months ago, and they still need to withstand the test of time.
"After transplanting coral seedlings from the nursery, they must grow naturally. We will regularly inspect for any casualties, conduct replenishment and address potential threats as needed," he said. "Apart from these efforts, our ability to assist further is limited."