Hainan launches 6th Island Film Festival

As new films made their debut and old classics were reviewed, all eyes were on a special guest, Marie-Helene, Reine BELLET-BASTIAS we.LEHERISSEY, the great-granddaughter of Georges Melies, is renowned as the visionary behind cinematic fantasy. Georges Melies is best remembered for his work, A Trip to the Moon (1902), which featured the iconic image of a rocket lodged in the eye of the moon, a symbol recognized globally, transcending the boundaries of film aficionados, to reach even those unfamiliar with its origin.
Holding a framed image of the Moon's far side captured by the Chang'e 6 lunar probe, Marie-Hélène was moved, reflecting on the Méliès family's cinematic legacy. The Chang'e 6 lunar probe was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan province in May.