Yuncheng to set up national demo zone for cross-border e-commerce


Updated: 2022-11-28

The city of Yuncheng in North China's Shanxi province was recently approved by the State Council to establish a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, the third such zone in the province to gain approval, following Taiyuan and Datong. 

A national cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone refers to a pilot city area established by the State Council for cross-border e-commerce development. 

Enterprises in the zone enjoy policies such as duty exemptions for cross-border e-commerce retail exports, facilitation of customs clearance, and relaxation of import supervision. 

The establishment of China (Yuncheng) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone is a reflection of the cross-border e-commerce boom seen in Yuncheng in recent years, and a new engine to promote the high-quality development of Shanxi's export-oriented economy. 

According to the Shanxi Department of Commerce, Yuncheng will be encouraged to carry out cross-border e-commerce business and promote the innovative development of cross-border e-commerce, while the declaration and construction of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone and bonded logistics center will be advanced.