Searching for the Lotus-Born Master (Ⅷ)

The Lotus-Born Master was able to harness quantum energy by practicing consort yoga which is the highest form of meditation. To understand this concept, we must realize that the core to Asian culture is the principle of non-duality and harmony. Through non-duality, we can achieve universal oneness. This is what Yin and Yang is all about. Dark matter and light are syncretic energies that magnetize, not polarize. By harmonizing Yin and Yang energies, the master of higher yoga can create combustion and make things happen for the good of all.
莲师通过明妃双运瑜伽修习,这是最高禅观境界,能够驾驭量子能量。要理解这个概念,我们必须认识到亚洲文化的核心,是非二元性与和谐的原则。通过非二元性 (无二),我们可以体验万物的唯一 (法界唯一体性,法性,即空性)。这就是阴阳的意义所在。暗物质和光能是磁化的融合能量,而不是极化。通过融合阴阳能量,高层次瑜伽大师可以生起灵热拙火,并作利益众生的事业。
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