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Chinese students happy with life at University of Alberta
Updated: 2008-01-09 14:36

Thirty six China Scholarship Council award winners started their studies this year at the University of Alberta. They join eight award winners who began their studies in 2005 and 2006. President Samarasekera was on hand October 5, 2007 to congratulate all China Scholarship Council award winners, noting how honoured the University of Alberta was to have such distinguished students choose the University of Alberta.

Mr. Jianhui Xia, Consul from the Consulate General of China in Vancouver assured students that they "can feel at home at the U of A" He encouraged students to get involved not only in their research but also in activities that will provide opportunities to meet Canadians and learn more about Canada.

One new scholar, Yang Wang, has done just that. Since arriving at the University of Alberta in September 2007, Mr. Wang has become an active member of the International Centre's Bridges volunteer program and is looking forward to sharing his culture with Canadian school children. After waiting almost 6 months to find out the results of his scholarship application, Mr. Wang was very excited when he got the news that he had been successful and would be starting his PhD in Biological Sciences. "[I'm] excited but also a little bit afraid of coming to a new country" he admits, but he couldn't be happier with his choice, noting his "colleagues in the lab have been very helpful."

Yue Liang, one of the first of three China Scholarship Council students to arrive at the University of Alberta in 2005 noted that in addition to advancing their research, students have had the opportunity to learn to be better teachers, learn how to be more resourceful, meet friends from around the world and take part in local culture. Mr. Liang is a growing Oilers' fan after attending his first game this past week.

Mr. Xia praised the University of Alberta for its outstanding relations with China. He assured students that the University of Alberta takes great care of its relations with China. Mr. Liang assured the Consul that scholarship holders value this relationship as well. "We are pursuing our dreams and also contributing. to the formation of closer ties between China and Canada."